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AOL Mail Norrin

This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!

Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.

Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.

951 results found

  1. want to make my new password the default but cant find where to do it.

    want to make my new password the default but cant find where to do it.

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  2. Label

    Why is my aol account labelled as, "Dating Time Club"?? How do I get rid of that?

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  3. settings

    allow me to single space rather than double space. Give me back my old version.

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  4. Avoir la possibilité de faire apparaitre la ligne Cc et la ligne Cci par défaut lors de l'écriture d'un mail

    Avoir la possibilité de faire apparaitre la ligne Cc et la ligne Cci par défaut lors de l'écriture d'un mail

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  5. Noiseless "beeps"...

    Please make the "beep" announcing new e-mail quieter, or take it off...

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  6. Verification code

    Why wont you support Apple for my verification code?

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  7. subscription

    The Subscription button should also be available for more than the main email account. Documents, Pictures, Subscriptions and Travel for all email accounts not just the main account

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  8. Disposable Email Addresses

    Please consider making disposable email addresses available for AOL Mail like Yahoo Mail already has. It is very useful for limiting spam.

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  9. mettre une barre de recherche sur le net

    la barre de recherche sur le net a été remplacée par une barre de recherche interne ....Merci de remettre une barre de recherche pour le net

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  10. Fix new aol mail to make it possible to add new contacts. I've tried it in 3 browsers and 2 computers. Call the help line.Had to switch back

    I tried to add a contact to a list in new aol mail on 2 computers and 3 browsers to no avail. Went into help and found instructions that were impossible to follow. Called the help line and was told all my browsers needed to be cleaned, even in a one week old computer. Switched back to old aol mail and added the contact in 2 minutes. FIX new aol mail PLEASE!

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  11. pop up text with audio

    Why is there an annoying and distracting dark grey text box that appears while I'm typing in mail ? It drives me crazy.

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  12. let me control spam. you have flagged important email ONLY bills and i dont get them then they get deleted

    i just discovered i cannot control spam filter. i believe important bills that only come in ermail form (which i hate) aol has flagged as spam then deletes?!
    STOP the practice now please!

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  13. AOL précède ma saisie

    Depuis quelques temps AOL n'obéit pas à ma volonté :
    Dès que saisis une réponse à un mail, le système anticipe mon écriture et propose des mots ou des lettres que je ne veux pas écrire. Par ailleurs, lorsque je veux renommer un objet de classement, il m'impose des noms que je ne désire pas. Par exemple, si je veux nommer un objet de classement "ORGANIGRAM" il va m'imposer "ORGANIGRAMME". Si je tape "GRAM" il va m'imposer "HERBE"
    C'est très nouveau comme bogue.

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  14. comic sans

    prefer to write in comic sans. miss it. i suggest adding that. thanks. may switch back to classic so i can use comic sans.

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  15. AOL soll laut "Mail" von Win 10 synchronisiert werden wie geht das? Klickt man im Internet auf einer Seite auf Mail senden wird "Mail" von W

    AOL soll laut "Mail" von Win 10 synchronisiert werden wie geht das? Klickt man im Internet auf einer Seite auf Mail senden wird "Mail" von Win10 aufgerufen, nicht AOL direkt. Es ist der umweg über "Mail" nötig. Wie kann das eingerichtet werden?

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  16. how does one turn of the item identify option on cursor

    How does one turn off the cursor definition feature?

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  17. email not received

    stop blocking group emails sent from

    I belong to this church and I used to receive their group emails about activities and such. Now they are blocked by Yahoo. Please remove the filter that blocks them.

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  18. Barre de tâche des mails

    Avoir la possibilité de positionner la barre de tâches mail (déplacer-supprimer-spam) à gauche, au milieu ou à droite et de pouvoir positionner chaque élément individuellement

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    I have several AOL accounts. Would like to have a Combined Inbox of all accounts

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  20. 107th ranked

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